Thursday 15 January 2009

Just to let you know that...

... in exactly one month I'll be in the middle of my journey back home.

The real countdown has begun. It's that time when you start feeling that you really have to start making the most of the time that you still have, going back to the places that you like and visiting the ones that you sill have not gone to.

I started visiting these "I really wanna go to" places last week, with a visit to SFMOMA (San Francisco Modern Art Museum). It was a very interesting visit, got to see paints by Dali, Frieda Kahlo, Matisse, Duchamp and others. I have a strange relation with modern art, sometimes I really like others I just do not understand it... but I think that happens most of the times.

There still a few other places that I want to go to: Alcatraz, the Museum of the California Science Academy and the Asian Art Museum. Let's see if I can make them all...

1 comment:

iuppi said...

just do not worry, u know? and b everily ever happy :) arriving home is also pretty beautifull bisusssssussss