Monday 9 March 2009

A random update :)

Yesterday, for the first time I do not know in how many years I went to the Circus.

To be honest I was never a big fan of the Circus, but yesterday I decided to go with my Grandparents, my older sister and my nephew. It wasn't as bad I expected, the animals were well fed and treated, and every one did a very good job.

One of the most interesting things was the soundtrack. And that is the reason for this update, because during one of the presentations the song that was playing was Burn by The Cure, from The Crow soundtrack. I hadn't heard that song for I do not know how many years and I can't seem to stop to want to listen to it (fortunately my younger sister bought the CD a few years ago).

This movie belongs to another life... in another place...
Sometimes it is hard to believe that certain things did happen, that even though you do not notice it we do change a very small bit every day that goes by. That is what I call personal evolution. Is that what mos people call growing old, becoming an adult?!

I decided to share it here:

The Cure - Burn (The Crow Soundtrack, 1994)
(WARNING: The video might be a bit violent because of the nature of the movie.)

(credit to thedeviantTUBE @ YouTube)


One of the questions that comes to me from time to time is:

When you look at me what do you see?

Shouldn't it be:

When I look at me what do I see?

Why is it that it is so hard to look into oneself?