Thursday, 10 May 2007

Thesis and Harry Potter :P

In the past month I've been home trying to write by MSc thesis... I must be honest and confess that I haven't been very successful!!

I've been stressed, blocked and above all angry.
Which is surprising, one should feel happy to get to the pointing of writing, but the past 2 years have been full of work, stress, frustration and disappointment. To the point I started hating something I loved to do. Hence the difficulty to write.

So, in order to deal with all this frustration I turned to my Harry Potter books.
I've been a fan for the past 7 years. As you can imagine with the 7th and final book coming, I've been completely excited to know how the series is going to end. I started to gather information in various sites and entered the fantastic world of podcasts... They have made me laugh out loud when I feel completely lost about everything else.

So for good therapy and a lot of laughs I recommend PotterCast from the Leaky Cauldron. (Loads of fun!! At least for me!!) :D

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